Slimline Hydrotek
Based in Pune, India, Slimline Hydrotek is the leading supplier of
various hydraulic components used in industrial and mobile applications.



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Today's Online Edition--

Quote for the day  -- 
Robert Frost:
"The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office."

INFOVOTE7--  Should anti-national, porn, racist, etc. sites be banned ???


1)Yes Such sites be banned---25%
2)No action be taken--13%
3)The user should use s/w like netnanny-4%
4)Banning sites will serve no purpose-23%
5) 3&4above--32%
6) Other-3%

INFOVOTE8-- How should India tackle Pakistan??

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All suggestions for questions to take up in future are most welcome.


Dear Subscriber,
         Ho! Ho! India has managed to scrape through to the Super Six Round, India's chances seem really bright from now on and even our Liability No-1 Mr. Azhar carried his weight in the match against England.
        As for Infovote, i felt that it would be better to let you express your own opinions rather than forcing a few of mine.
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         Your host at Infoline

  • Jokes ( No offence intended )
  1. A computer salesman, a hardware engineer, and a software engineer are driving in a car together. Suddenly the right rear tire blows out, ahd the car rolls to a stop. Our three heroes pile out to investigate.
    The salesman tsk-tsks sadly. "Time to buy a new car!" he announces.
    Says the hardware engineer, "Well, first let's try swapping the front and rear tires, and see if that fixes it."
    Replies the software engineer, "Naw, let's just try driving the car again, and maybe the problem will go away by itself."
  2. A guy is walking past a big wooden fence at the insane asylum and he hears all the residents inside chanting, "Thirteen! Thirteen! Thirteen!"

    Quite curious about this, he finds a hole in the fence, and looks in. Someone inside pokes him in the eye.

    Then everyone inside the asylum starts chanting, "Fourteen! Fourteen! Fourteen!"

THURSDAY Hi-37    Lo-26 (Partly Sunny)
WEDNESDAY Hi-35    Lo-26 (Partly Sunny)
THURSDAY Hi-30    Lo-25 (Cloudy)
WEDNESDAY Hi-32    Lo-26 (Partly Sunny)
THURSDAY Hi-42    Lo-26 (SUNNY)
WEDNESDAY Hi-38    Lo-24 (Showers)
THURSDAY Hi-35    Lo-28 (Partly Sunny)
WEDNESDAY Hi-37    Lo-27 (Partly Sunny)
  • PUNE
THURSDAY Hi-31    Lo-22 (CLOUDY)
WEDNESDAY Hi-34    Lo-21 (Partly Sunny)
THURSDAY Hi-27    Lo-22 (Showers )
WEDNESDAY Hi-31    Lo-21 (Partly Sunny )
THURSDAY Hi-38    Lo-25 (Partly Sunny)
WEDNESDAY Hi-37    Lo-25 (Partly Sunny)



    Right-click on 'My Computer' and select 'Properties.' Under the 'Computer' section, if you see 'GenuineIntel,' you can proceed with this trick. Close the properties sheet, launch REGEDIT, and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Hardware \ Description \ System \ CentralProcessor \ 0. Double-click on the 'VendorIdentifier' key, put a space between "Genuine" and "Intel," then close REGEDIT. Now, re-open the properties for 'My Computer.' Below the 'Genuine Intel' line, you'll see a line that reads: 'x86 Family A Model B Stepping C' (these values will vary from system to system). Rebooting will reset this tweak.
  2. Easy directories- Only for IE4/5
    Select the 'My Computer' icon with your left mouse button, then drag & drop it onto any side of your screen. No matter where you place it, you'll see a listing of your computer's components. Now, press the CTRL key and with your left mouse button, click once on your 'C' drive. You should see a cascading display of all your flies and folders! Simply click on any one of those icons and the file/folder should open. This can also be done with the other items in your "new" toolbar. Right-click on the handlebar and toggle 'Show Text' and 'Show Title' to tweak its appearance.


  • Celebrity Birthdays
  1. 01 - Jun - 1974 Alanis Morissette
  2. 01 - Jun - 1926 Marilyn Monroe
  3. 05 - Jun - 1956 Kenny G
  4. 06 - Jun - 1956 Bjorn Borg
  5. 07 - Jun - 1981 Anna Kournikova

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Internet News

  1. As final testimony begins in the Microsoft Corp. antitrust trial, the software company is trying to convince a judge that federal intervention isn't necessary to keep the high-tech industry robust, while minimizing the ill effects of its past actions on competitors.
  2. A spate of high-tech vandalism against the government continued this week, as computer hackers defaced two more federal Web sites and left a taunting note promising to attack other sites because of a related FBI investigation.
  3. Internet portal Yahoo! Inc. Friday said it completed its acquisition of Web service GeoCities enabling it to build the user base and expand its own site and services.
  4. China sneered Monday at allegations it stole U.S. nuclear weapons secrets, saying warhead technology is readily available in libraries and on the Internet.